Black Dragon Wash - Half Moon & Pictographs


Black Dragon Wash with Half Moon and Pictographs

Black Dragon Wash - Half Moon & Pictographs

This is such a fun 4 wheeling dirt road adventure.  I loved standing under half moon, and the Pictographs were incredible...some of my favorites.  This tribe of Native American Indians were mathematicians, for they kept track of lots of data! Whether it was number of people in their tribe, harvest counts, or spirit counts, or something else they kept track of their "books" on this panel well.  

2D Trailer Video for Oculus for  Black Dragon Wash

Instructions for transporting yourself here to view virtually in VR360

To be transported here, just grab a VR Headset and you can join me here.  
If you have an Oculus, click on the menu button, and then the TV button, and then type in "ShaunasAdventures" in the search, or you can use my Oculus Portfolio link.

If you have a different kind of VR Headset, you can search "ShaunasAdventures" in YouTubeVR, and it will also transport you here. 

Black Dragon's Half Moon

Tiny Planet of Black Dragon Wash

Information about Black Dragon Wash - Half Moon & the Pictographs

  • Trail is just west of Green River on the East side of I-70 right before you pass through the San Rafael Swell.  I would download a map of the area before heading in and then if you search Black Dragon Wash on Google Maps it should get you right there. 
  • Trailhead is 3 hours Southeast of SLC. 
  • The cool landmarks are right off the side of the dirt road, so there is very little hiking.
  • Appropriate for all ages.
  • I would take binoculars.  My 360 camera gets closer to the pictographs than you can, so a little help to see then better is nice. 
  • Half moon is only a few miles up the windy Black Dragon Slot Canyon.  It is on the left hand side.  It is definitely worth it to get out of your 4X4 vehicle and stand underneath. 
  • The Pictographs are just a few more miles past Half Moon, and you will know you found then when you see the wooded fence on the right side of the road. 

Pictographs in Black Dragon Wash

This road is awesome to pair with any of my hike in the San Rafael area, but the closest hike to this is the Spirt arch (or triple arch) trail and Petroglyph canyon.  Petroglyph canyon has just a small petroglyph, but it is one of my favorites for it does such a great job describing the exact steps to take to kill an animal in this area.  You should check it out and see if you can figure it out! 

If you want info on other cool hikes in this area, you can search San Rafael in my search bar and many will come up.  Some of my favorites are Crack Canyon, Little Wild Horse, Little Spotted Wolf, Ding and Dang is awesome but a hard and a little scary hike. Of course Goblin Valley and the Cave are also fun. 

Todd's awesome 360 Arial Panorama from his drone above the San Rafael Swell. 

It is jaw dropping the view from the air.  How you can literally see layer after layer of the earth that has been tilted on its axis and risen up out of the ground. Make sure you move it around so you can see all 360 degrees of this amazing area. 

Another Tiny Planet or Black Dragon Wash

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