Mirror Lake - Kamas Utah Hiking and Kayaking in 360 Degrees

Mirror Lake, Utah

Kayaking and Hiking  at Mirror Lake, Utah

 in 360 Degrees

  • 1.5 hours East of SLC
  • Trail around lake is about 1 mile
  • Easy Beautiful Stroll, Level 1
  • Lake is great for Kayaking, walking around, and fishing.
  • Can have lots of mosquitoes
  • Hike to Bald Mountain is really enjoyable hike here to see from about the dozens of lakes that are in this area.

If you can't get here today, the second best thing is to transport yourself here virtually.  This video has no motion, so it is safe for any viewer.  Just grab a VR Headset and search "ShaunasAdventures" on OculusTV, or YouTubeVR.   If you have an Oculus, you can also click on my Oculus Portfolio Link, and choose the adventure you are interested in, and it will appear on your Oculus Main Screen. 

HINTS for Uintas.
💚Uintas have been hit super hard with the Japanese Pine Beetle, so many get super frustrated with this area that it is so ugly because over half the trees are dead.  If you can look past that, it is still a beautiful area, and I think it films still quite lovely, but some come and can’t see past the depression of so many of the trees being dead.  Know this is the case so you ca be prepare to still find the beauty. 
💚 Bald Mountain Trail is only 4-5 miles long, but the altitude makes it feel longer or harder, so don’t be hard on yourself if you need a break.  Allow yourself the time to not feel rushed and just enjoy the journey. .
💚Moosehorn lake has beautiful views of Bald mountain, but there is limited parking, so sometimes you just can’t get in to the lake.  In the spring there are Marsh marigolds on both the south side of the lake and the Northwest corner.  In the summer there are fields of a fun variety of wildflowers on the East side and in the north west corner.  You can’t walk around the whole lake here, but there are trails at least 3/4 of the way around. .
💚Lily lake is where the yellow lily flowers are at.  They bloom around Mid July.
💚Mirror Lake has a beautiful trail that goes around the entire lake that is easy to walk.  It has a beautiful campground on the east side.  Is it a busy lake, so if you want serene time here, you must be willing to go for the early mornings or late evenings or in the early spring when it is scary cold.  Sunrise shots are beautiful of Bald Mountajn. Sunsets you can get beautiful photos of Hayden peak from the south East corner. 
💚 Many admire Bald Mountain, but I think Reid’s Peak and Hayden Peak are even more stunning.  There is a trail up to Bald Mountain by Pass Lake that connects with the Bald Mountain, with view of Reid’s Peak on the way up.  Hayden Peak has a parking area to the trail to the top of Hayden Peak that has really beautiful views of Hayden Peak. 
💚 If you are looking for a beautiful spot to get a shot of Reid’s Peak, your spot is at Pass Lake.  Roam around the lake a little and you will find some great spots. 
💚 While your in the Uintas, never forget about Upper Provo River Falls.  No matter how many times you have seen it, it always is a pleasure to visit.  Take time to wander above and below the falls to find about a dozen separate falls.  Tone of the top falls has a great spot you can jump off a tall ledge and into the River. 

2D Trailer Video of Bald Mountain that I did for the above Immersive Version

One of Todd & my favorite places to camp is Mirror Lake, Utah.  For me, it is  nostalgic for it was my deceased fathers favorite fishing lake and it brings fun memories of him while I am here.  It saddens me a little being here, for I remember this lake with the mountain below bald mountain as lush and green as a teenager.  A few years ago a Japanese Beetle was bought in and it has really taken a tole on this whole area.  This lake however still has its charm.  Bald Mountain looming in the background, and the Hayden Peak on the East lights up beautifully at sunset. I woke up to a beautiful view of Bald Mountain each morning, and one day I decided I am going to the top of that mountain today.  Here is the blog post of my hike to the top of Bald Mountain.

To get to Mirror lake, you go to Kamas, and head East.  I would highly recommend making sure you download google map of the area before heading in and have yourself an external GPS unit connected to your phone.  Here are 3 great external GPS units that would give you confidence when you head into the back country.  If you also hate being out of contact with loved ones for multiple days, the 4 Garmin In Reach Explorer is a great assess to be able to send two way text messages when you are out of cell range through GPS.  It is very cool and handy to have.

Mirror Lake, Utah

When we got here, the first thing we did was jump in our Kayaks and paddle around the beautiful lake.

Kayaking the perimeter of Mirror Lake.

The shore line is beautiful all around the lake.  The clear water, the beautiful rocks and ever green, and flowers are just very relaxing and wonderful.

Mirror Lake, Utah

Video Kayaking around the Lake 

(Just click on it for the video to come up.)

Mirror Lake, Utah

360 Trail Kayaking Mirror Lake

Around Sunset, I took a stroll around the lake to the North, West, and the South side.  The sunset made the Hayden Mountain range gorgeous.


View of Hayden Peak at sunset by Mirror Lake, Utah
View of Hayden Peak at sunset by Mirror Lake, Utah

Mirror Lake, Utah
There were such a fun variety of Purple, yellow and red flowers all around the lake. 

Mirror Lake, Utah
The more you look at these White Lousewort flowers, the more intriguing they are.  They are so cool how the petal spirals.

Look around to the east and see Hayden peak all lite up bright.


Awesome Flowers I enjoyed while walking around Mirror Lake

360 Trail Around South Side of Mirror Lake


 Videos of Todd working on figuring out Fly Fishing.  He fly fished from shore, in the water with waiters, and from his Kayak and had a wonderful time.  He caught 3 pretty fish (2 rainbows and a brookie), and had a fabulous time.  

Mirror Lake with Bald Mountain in Background and Yellow Flowers

Yellow Arrowleaf Balsamroot, and Bell Flower below are found all around the lake.

If you would like to see more of this area, click on the Google Earth link below
Mirror Lake Google Earth Link
Then click on the little dude in the bottom and any area you want to see more.
If you enjoyed this area, I think you will LOVE




Hiking Bald Mountain was not super hard, but a rush of adrenaline being on such edges of the mountain side and awesome uniqueness in cool rocks formations that I have yet to see the like. 

Link to Amazing Bald Mountain Trail 

 Upper Provo river was nice to explore more than just the first few waterfalls, and was a pretty hike the whole mile down river. 

 Link to Upper Provo River Falls .  

Get out and enjoy the beauties around us!  Happy Hiking!